1. Take this man of constant sorrow, with a passion to be Jesus,
Fishing for apostles from the flotsam in Hyde Park,
With a Kindly Yorkshire angel, head-to-foot in biker’s leather,
And an Aussie horse-race gambler on sabbatical from work.
Are you listening, are you searching, are you open to conversing?
Will a Buddhist meet a skeptic in communion dialectic?
Feed your spirit in the café until dark!
You with your bible, me with my band,
Graffiti artist with a spray-can in his hand,
Motor-bike hero and sex-symbol queen,
We’re all looking for some kind of freedom.
2. See the kaftanned lotus-eater, arm in arm with a kibbutznik,
And a pair of easy riders, hippy-trailing to Tibet,
Taking time out from free loving to buy psychedelic posters,
And rock music mind-expanding, synergistically with pot.
Are you listening, are you searching, are you open to conversing?
Will the moment existential trip into the transcendental?
Feed your spirit, feel the pleasures newly met!
You with your bible, me with my band,
Graffiti artist with a spray-can in his hand,
Motor-bike hero and sex-symbol queen,
We’re all looking for some kind of freedom.
3. Hear an Arab agitator advocating racial violence,
Next to US draft-card burners, trying to put an end to war,
And a feminist fomenter, dungareed in stone-washed denim,
Loudly criticising menfolk in the mode of Germaine Greer.
Are you listening, are you searching, are you open to conversing?
Will a pacifist protestor tangle with a Tory heckler,
Feed your spirit, fight your battles evermore!
Chorus: You with your bible, me with my band,
Graffiti artist with a spray-can in his hand,
Motor-bike hero and sex-symbol queen,
We’re all looking for some kind of freedom.
4. Some get high debating universal truth and reason,
Others buzz on pleasure, risk, necessity and chance,
While the power-fixers mix it with the politics of violence,
And the message in the zeitgeist struggles bravely to make sense.
Are you listening, are you searching, are you open to conversing?
Philosophically speaking, will your mind be at the meeting?
Feed your spirit, feel the rhythm, join the dance!
Final Chorus: You with your bible, me with my band,
Graffiti artist with a spray-can in his hand,
Motor-bike hero and sex-symbol queen,
We’re all looking for some kind of freedom.
Are you looking for your kind of freedom?
© Dave Pierce, 2001